Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Niche Marketing Strategy - How to Dominate Niche Markets

To make money online fast and easily you will need to start off small with an effective niche marketing strategy. You do not want to go for the really competitive markets and keywords for two reasons.
For one thing it will take to much time and work to rank for broad keyword terms in the search engines making it really difficult to rank for and get enough traffic to make commissions from.

The other main reason is because the traffic is not that targeted. You want laser targeted traffic, meaning very interested people who will most likely buy whatever product you are promoting.

So to find these niche markets you will have to use a good keyword tool. There are plenty paid ones but if you do not want to invest in one then you can do it manually by using the keyword tool at Google.

It is very simple, just type in the first keyword that comes to mind when thinking of the product or market you want to promote. If you were promoting a diet program then you could type in "weight loss".
Make sure to set it up so you get the exact amount of searches. Use the drop down arrow to change from broad search to exact. You will see it on the right of the keyword box.

Now go down the list and try to find keywords that are getting at the very least a thousand exact searches. Then to get a feel for the competition copy and past that keyword into Google but make sure to put it in quotes.

Make sure there are no more than about 50,000 competing pages. To really dig deeper take it out of quotes and then see what sites are ranking for that term.

If there are authority sites ranking for that term like or a wiki page then it will be too competitive. But if you see articles ranking for it or sites with the keyword in the domain name then that is a really good sign that you can rank for it.

Then once you have found some keywords simply start by typing articles to rank for or set up a niche blog site with your presell pages. I really get into detail on how to do this niche marketing strategy on my website.
If you want to get my free course on how to make instant affiliate commissions then visit my website at

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